The beautiful and serene Southwest Coconut Grove neighborhood is a suburban area located in Miami, FL. This is a perfect place to call home with its pristine beaches and amazing views. This coastal community offers many amenities for residents, including golf courses, theatres/performing arts centers as well as schools that offer everything from preschools all way up through twelfth grade.
The median house price in the Southwest Coconut Grove neighborhood is $1,526,702, which makes it more expensive than 99.2% of neighborhoods across Florida and 98.6% nationwide.
In the Southwest Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami, Florida, renters pay an average price of $3232 per month to stay in this area, which is higher than 95.3% of the communities in Florida.
The beautiful weather and great schools in the Southwest Coconut Grove neighborhood make it an ideal place to call home. The area is made up primarily of medium-sized (three or four bedrooms) single-family homes, but there’s also plenty for larger families if that’s what you’re looking forward to.
The beautiful scenery of the water and its amenities is often why people choose to live in Southwest Coconut Grove. The area has been able not only to provide easy access for those who want a quick getaway or just need some time out on their boat but also to feature restaurants that will satisfy any appetite.
The neighborhood of Southwest Coconut Grove has a very nautical feel with its seaside and shipping history. There are many amenities to enjoy in this historic area, including the soundscapes that come along for your ride.
When you feel like among an exclusive crowd of wealthy and refined patrons, then this neighborhood is right up your alley. It has more “urban sophisticates” living in it than 99% of other places across America.
Your neighbors in Southwest Coconut Grove have a lot of different interests. They might be wealthy, educated, and often travel for work or leisure – but no matter what they do, there’s always time to read an interesting book.
The Coconut Grove neighborhood in Miami is one-of-a-kind when it comes to wealth. Residents here suffer less during tough economic times and recover more quickly than most other Americans, making them an interesting study group for sociologists everywhere.
This neighborhood, in particular, stands out because there are so many executives, managers, and professionals living here. The percentage of these high-level people is higher than most other places around America, which makes it a great place to live if you enjoy company with similar backgrounds.