San Marco is a quiet suburban neighborhood that is a part of Jacksonville, FL. The area has easy access to major highways, making it perfect for those who work downtown but want some peace of mind knowing their homes won’t be surrounded by traffic congestion at all hours.
The San Marco community in Jacksonville, Florida, has a median real estate price of $560,043, which is more expensive than 77.3% of the neighborhoods within this state and 76.5% nationwide.
The median rental price in this area is $1,717. This makes it lower than 61% of Florida neighborhoods. With prices lower than 61% of Florida neighborhoods and rentals that can accommodate even larger families or groups, then this area will work well with your needs if you are looking for an affordable place to call home.
Just like the city as a whole, San Marco has its fair share of single-family homes and apartment buildings. The real estate here is mostly made up of medium-sized (three or four bedroom) to small apartments, though there are some large multifamily properties too.
Move to this gay-friendly neighborhood in Jacksonville, and you’ll be sure not only of living among others of your group but also close enough for daily commute convenience. In fact, the 3.6% of same-sex couples who call it home make up a higher proportion than 99.5% of other American neighborhoods. With so many reasons why being around gays would appeal more specifically, just take one look at these statistics: there’s no better way to enjoy your life without worrying about what people might say or think when they see how wonderful they really are.
Jacksonville’s San Marco neighborhood is an upper-middle-class area with a high income, which makes it more expensive than 64.9% of other areas in America. The individuals who reside there tend to have above-average salaries and spend their money on things like luxury cars or homes as well as necessities such as groceries.
The residents of the San Marco neighborhood are primarily employed in executive, management, and professional jobs (59.9 percent). The second most important occupational group is sales/service-related positions accounting for 19%. Other common careers here include manufacturing and laborer occupations accounting for 13.7%, and clerical, assistant, and tech support occupations, which account for 7.0%.
In the San Marco neighborhood of Jacksonville, Florida, residents speak a diverse range of languages. The most common language spoken there is English, with 84% of households communicating using this language. Other important tongues in this beautiful community include Italian and Spanish.