
In case you’re searching for a quiet, peaceful suburban neighborhood around Jacksonville, FL, to call home with plenty of green space and nearby amenities, then Ortega might be exactly what your heart desires.

The Ortega neighborhood in Jacksonville has a median real estate price of $603,626, which is more expensive than 89.7 percent of all neighborhoods within the state and 84.5% nationwide.

The Ortega neighborhood in Florida is a haven for those who are seeking high-end living at an affordable price. The average rental cost here currently sits around $3,211, which makes it higher than 95% of other neighborhoods across the state.

The Ortega neighborhood is a great place to live if you’re looking for an apartment with plenty of room. There are homes ranging from medium-sized three or four-bedroom houses, all the way up through large five+ person apartments.

The Ortega neighborhood is home to a majority of the wealthy and educated executives in this part of town. They live in large, luxurious homes that appreciate steadily over time due to their high-level careers, which keep them busy but allow for comfortable living circumstances if you’re an executive looking into moving near other people like yourself.

The people of the Ortega neighborhood have a unique insight into what it takes to make a marriage last. This community seems to be the place where people go when they want a successful marriage since 70.6% of its residents are married, which is higher than in 98.9% of any other neighborhoods around America.

The Ortega neighborhood has more large 4, 5, or additional bedrooms homes than 95.3% of the neighborhoods across America. When you walk around this area, it’s easy to see why people call them “big house” country because each property stands out with its immense size and magnificent views.

The neighborhood of Ortega in general and the percentage of residential real estate occupied by its owner is higher here than 95.2 percent of neighborhoods elsewhere across America.

The Ortega community in Jacksonville is one of the 15% wealthiest areas across America. With an average income that far exceeds even 93.9% of other American neighborhoods, this area has seen huge progress over recent years, with more developments becoming available for purchase or rent on every corner.

In the Ortega neighborhood, you’ll find a general population that speaks mostly English and Spanish. In fact, 94% of homes here use English while 5.5 percent use Spanish.


Ortega Forest

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