What’s more Florida experience than an alligator? You can’t have a real experience without running into these creatures at Gatorland in the Orlando, FL area. They’ve got everything from giant ones that weigh over three tons and live up to their name, to babies that will bite if you get too close or even just swim near them.
Gatorland is one of the most famous theme parks in America, and it’s easy to see why. The grounds are jam-packed with thousands upon thousands of alligators, from small ones that can’t be over six inches long up until adulthood, when they grow to eighteen feet long. There are also crocodiles waiting for you across their wide variety, including some who perform daily shows or demonstrations on how these creatures live so beautifully together as friends here at this theme park.
Gatorland is the perfect place to meet alligators and crocodiles, including babies! It’s no surprise this attraction has been called “The Alligator Capital of the World.” You can go on a hunt for these huge creatures or take pictures of them in their natural environments.
Gatorland is home to the most extensive collection of white leucistic alligators. It’s more than just an animal sanctuary, though-visitors can enjoy seeing these amazing creatures up close and in their natural habitat, which also happens to be one huge display case for educational purposes. The park also contains many other types and sizes, making it a great place for any visitor to look at these fascinating creatures up close.
Situated at 14501 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL, Gatorland is a one-stop destination for all your family’s fun needs. You can enjoy an aviary, a petting zoo, and animal shows or take part in exciting zipline rides while also getting some quality time with friends at this enchanting theme park.
The allure of Gatorland is undeniable. Whether you are a Gatorland first-time visitor or have been there 1000 times, each visit offers something new to see and experience-from the countless varieties in captivity (some weighing over 100 pounds) that live at this Florida attraction; right down close with crocs and other predators who may very well be mistaken for dinner themselves.
Gatorland is a captivating experience for all ages. From the ride-on train to exploring an observation tower with views that take you into our breeding marsh and beyond, there’s so much here. One recent addition is two ziplines: The Screamin’ Gator and the Gauntlet, which run above alligator pens while giving riders breathtaking aerial footage of crocodile nests in their natural habitat just waiting patiently behind them.