Deerwood is a beautiful, quiet suburban neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida. It’s located on the other side of town from where most people live and work, so it has plenty to offer without being too far away. There are many big-box stores nearby, but if you’re looking for something more unique, then this place will have what your heart desires with its quaint shops tucked along tree-lined streets.
The Deerwood community in Jacksonville, Florida, has a median real estate price of $484,706, which is more expensive than 81.3% of neighborhoods across Florida and 76.9% nationwide.
In the Deerwood neighborhood of Jacksonville, rental prices are on an upswing. The average rental price here sits at just is $2,225 – which makes it higher than 71.5 percent from other parts across Florida.
The Deerwood neighborhood is a great place to live if you are looking for something between the hustle and bustles of downtown life, but without all that noise. The area has small apartments perfect for young professionals or people just starting out in their career path, while larger homes can be found on larger lots with plenty of space outdoors too.
The neighborhood of Deerwood is a great place to live if you want the comforts of home without dealing with city life. The homes in this area were built relatively recently, making them feel more modern than older areas that have been around for decades.
The Deerwood neighborhood is considered one of the best places to live in Florida. It ranks higher than 94.6 percent of area neighborhoods for executive lifestyles, based on its large homes and high real estate appreciation rates compared with other areas within this state.
The architecture in this neighborhood is unlike any other. With the newer homes and fresh paint, you can tell that it has been recently built as opposed to older neighborhoods with worn-down facades or landscaping dying from age. The residential real estate here tends towards being more modern than those found nearby, which dates back decades ago when Deerwood was first developing its identity into what we know today.
The Deerwood neighborhood stands out as having a higher proportion of people who drive to work alone each day than found in most American neighborhoods. In this area, 94.1% do so, which is higher even when compared with 95.8% of other American neighborhoods.
The people who live in the Deerwood neighborhood are upper-middle-class, making this community an above-average income area. This segment by Jacksonville has a higher income than 70.1 percent of other neighborhoods across America.