Jacksonville is a beautiful city in Florida with many different neighborhoods. One such neighborhood, Avondale, is a suburban neighborhood with easy access to everything that matters most for living life well.
The median price for buying a home in the Avondale community is $537,496, which makes it more expensive than 75% of Florida neighborhoods and 74 percent across all states.
The cost of renting a home in the Avondale neighborhood is significantly lower than in many other regions across Florida. The average rental price here currently stands at just $1,987 per month – which makes it easier on your wallet knowing that you won’t be paying more than others around town since rental prices here are lower in price than 40.5% of neighborhoods across Florida.
The diverse real estate in the Avondale neighborhood is a perfect example of what you can find when looking for something different. From large homes with multiple bedrooms to small studio apartments, there’s an option available that will suit your needs.
The neighborhood of Avondale has a lot to offer. With many homes being relatively historical, this area offers an opportunity for those who want the charm and character that comes with older properties while still living in relative comfort, thanks largely due to its proximity to downtown.
In case you are looking for a same-sex couple-friendly neighborhood, look no further than Avondale. With an amazing distinction of housing, more people living together as partners than 98 percent of U.S. neighborhoods, this place has it all.
The neighbors in Jacksonville’s Avondale neighborhood are upper-middle-class, making it an above-average income location. This part of Jacksonville has a higher income than 67.8% of other places across America.
The most important occupation in the Avondale neighborhood is professional, executive, and managerial roles which make up 60.8% of its working population, followed by sales with 18.1%. Other popular careers include clerical work & tech support positions, which account for 12.7%, and manufacturing/laborious jobs accounting for 8.5% of the neighborhood’s working population.
The most common language spoken in this neighborhood is English, with 94.4% of households preferring to communicate using it as their main form for communication at home, while another 3.2 percent of households prefer to communicate using Spanish.
In the Avondale neighborhood by Jacksonville, Florida, you’ll find a community with an English-speaking majority. There are also people who identify their ethnicity or ancestry as Irish and German roots, among other things such as Italian or Scots -Irish ancestors in this community as well.


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